

The Madaraka Express Passenger Service serves 13 destinations between Mombasa and Suswa station. It offers a high quality, hassle free, safe, on-time rail passenger service that meets your expectations.

The service is designed to transport you comfortably between:

Mombasa – Nairobi

Inter-County train: Departs both Mombasa and Nairobi Termini simultaneously at 8:00 am every day. This service entails scheduled stops at Mariakani, Miasenyi, Voi, Mtito Andei, Kibwezi, Emali, and Athi River stations.

Afternoon Express train: Departs both Mombasa and Nairobi Termini simultaneously at 3:00 pm and includes a stop over at Voi station.

Night train: Departs both Mombasa and Nairobi Termini simultaneously at 10:00 pm. This service does not entail stops during the journey

Nairobi Terminus to Suswa station

This section boasts of a commuter service and a long distance service.

The long distance passenger service operates between Nairobi Terminus and Suswa station in Narok County with stop overs at Ongata Rongai, Ngong and Maai Mahiu stations on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The commuter service operates between Ngong station through Ongata Rongai station to Nairobi Terminus and vice versa. This is the Madaraka Express Commuter Service which operates on Mondays to Fridays.

 Link Service

Kenya Railways has provided a Link train which connects Nairobi Central station to the Nairobi Terminus.

Passengers who have booked travel to Mombasa on the Madaraka Express can catch the Link train at:

6:40 am for those traveling on the Madaraka Express Inter-county (morning) train

12:50 pm for those traveling on the Express (afternoon) train

8:10 pm for those traveling on the Ni (morning) train

3:50 am from Nairobi Terminus to Nairobi Central station for passengers arriving from Mombasa on the Night train

2:30 pm from Nairobi Terminus to Nairobi Central station for passengers arriving from Mombasa on the Inter-county (morning) train

8:30 pm from Nairobi Terminus to Nairobi Central station for passengers arriving from Mombasa on the Express (afternoon) train
